Tag: fee

Biaya atau Fee untuk Transaksi Payoneer


Berikut ini saya copas dari website resmi Payoneer. Hanya untuk memudahkan saja bila membutuhkan informasi. Dari pada harus log in di Payoneer.
Setelah beberapa waktu yang lalu daftar, tapi sampai saat ini belum saya pakai, ini rencana mau pakai. Masih mempelajari terutama biaya, sama cara ngisinya selain lewat partner company di US.

Item Price (USD) Unit How Applied
Card activation Free Per card One time – when card is first loaded
Card activation – outside US – Listed Countries $24.95 Per card One time – when card is first loaded
Albania, Angola, Belarus, Bosnia Herzegovina, CôteD’Ivoire, Congo, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Iraq, Kosovo, Lebanon, Liberia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Pakistan, São Tomé & Príncipe, Serbia, Somalia, Turkmenistan, Zimbabwe.
Loading Payments $2.00 Per load Each time card is loaded
Monthly card account maintenance $3.00 0-4 trx/month From available card balance each month
Monthly card account maintenance $1.00 5+ trx/month From available card balance each month
Card replacement $12.95 Per card One Time – when issuing a replacement card
Cash Withdrawals or Transactions
Cash withdrawal – U.S. $1.35 Per Trx When withdrawal is requested
Cash withdrawal – outside U.S. $2.15 * Per Trx When withdrawal is requested
ATM withdrawal Decline $0.90 Per Trx When withdrawal request is declined
ATM Balance inquiry Free Per Trx When inquiry is made
Purchase Transaction Free * Per Trx When card is used for purchases

* When a transaction is made as a foreign transaction or is requested in a currency other than USD, charges of up to 3% may be assessed above all charges assessed by MasterCard for the transaction.